I actually have something to say. This is in regard to Puppy Doe.

Anyone with information about Puppy Doe should contact:

The Animal Rescue League of Boston, Law Enforcement Services

(617) 226-5610

Quincy Police Department
Det. Thomas Pepdjonovich
(617) 745-5774

Now, I’ve been following Justice for Puppy Doe on Facebook. I find many of the comments to be disgustingly judgmental. They also seem a bit uninformed, to me, so I wrote this.

” I think a lot have people have missed some of the facts so I am posting what I have found here, and on the news.

Kiya was found alive. Her injuries were so severe that it was unlikely she would ever recover. She was unable to walk. Within hours of her discovery she was euthanized, after receiving a belly full of food and lots of love.

Kiya is known as Puppy Doe, but the original owner has stepped forward with pictures, and Kiya’s name. Kiya’s markings are distinctive enough to easily identify Kiya as the Puppy Doe we know from that horrible picture.

Kiya’s original owner could not keep the dog because of her landlord’s rules. She responsibly gave Kiya up to people she knew and trusted. Those people are the ones that put Kiya on Craig’s List.

Most CL pet sales go smoothly. Until now, the worst case scenario was whether the dog would end up as bait for fighting dogs. Even if the people vetted the new owner for dog fighting, there is no way they could have seen this coming. In hindsight, we can all be angry we didn’t see it coming, but we shouldn’t be angry at the people who gave Kiya up. If we have to blame anyone who is not physically responsible for injuring Kiya, it should be the landlord with the breed/size limit. That rule is what started this. In my opinion, saying someone should be homeless and destitute over finding what they thought was a good home, and not blame the rule that forced her to choose is ludicrous.

The authorities are very interested in catching the twisted person who tortured and maimed Kiya. They recognize that this is the behavior of a serial killer in training. I am sure that is where the focus of their attention will be. I doubt they will let this case go. Once the person is found, I am sure that with all the attention this case has been given, that the state will prosecute within the fullest extent of the law.”

I am deeply disturbed but the witch hunt that is going on. Horrible, nasty things are being said about the original owner. As someone who has had to give up pets, I know what a hard decision it is to make. In my case I simply could not afford to move with my dog. Being homeless does not help the dog. It only helps your guilt. I don’t see that as a reasonable option.

I’ll probably have more to say but it will have to wait. I have to calm down.