There is disturbingly little news on our Free Pathetic Dog. The most I have found is this article which says the Craigslist ad was taken down just hours after it was posted, but not before it went viral.

Google searches find tons of requests for updates on the situation, but so far I find no real info. I’ll add my request to the pile: If you know anything, let me know.

Seriously?! I AM LIVID!

This is a Craigslist ad that I just saw shared on Facebook. Craigslist
Just in case the ad disappears, here is what the despicable owner said: [?]

Posted: 3 days ago
Doesn’t bark, doesn’t play, just cowers: free pathetic dog. (Pfafftown)

Found this 20lb. mixed breed dog last Christmas in Monterey Park, Los Angeles. According to what the vet says, she’s probably 2.5 years old now. Looks like a Jack Russell’s drug-addled second cousin (but she’s healthy).

PROS: Does not bark, or shed much to speak of. House trained. Does not overeat, so you can just leave her dry dog food in a bowl and refill when it’s empty. Has stuck close to an unfenced residence and not run away when let outside unmonitored on a daily basis. (Well… I tried… but she won’t leave.)

CONS: Does not know what ‘play’ is. If you throw a ball at her, she will run and hide. Any treats given to her have to be handed directly (thrown ones will scare her). More importantly, she cannot keep up as a serious jogging partner.

Friendly and compliant, will sit in your lap if you put her there. Not the cleverest about “jumping” or other “tricks”. Never seen a dog where chasing a treat thrown was a “trick”… but to her, that’s a trick.

Took in for sympathy, but planning a downtown move where dogs won’t be welcome. Would make a good pet for someone who wants a non-barking, non-biting, non-playing dog just to hang out with. She’s cool with pretty much anything… dressing her up in costumes, drawing on her with a sharpie, no problem. (Just don’t throw a treat toward her.)

Food, crate, harness, leash, rawhide chews, flea bath additives, etc. included.

    Location: Pfafftown
    it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

Posting ID: 4153266780

Posted: 3 days ago

Updated: 3 days ago

How is this OK?! Oh I’m so mad I can’t even post anything more about it. I will just post the photos from the ad and come back later.





I mean WTF! ^^^


I have read a lot of comments, including one on this blog, that state, Kiya’s original owner, Laura Hankins, lied about giving Kiya away. I see no evidence of this in the news. No one has been able to give me any links for more information confirming these supposed lies.

That being said, the original story does seem to have changed slightly. As the newspapers are not pointing this out as Hankins changing her story, I can only assume that it is the news sources themselves who have gotten their facts straight.

Originally, we were led to believe that Hankins gave Kiya to people she trusted who then put the dog up on Craigslist. What seems to have actually happened was this:

–Haskins had to give the pit bull up to to her landlord’s insurance policy’s breed restrictions.
–Haskins rehomed Kiya to a Webster woman who returned the dog a few days later. Haskins took the dog back, and UT her back on Craigslist.
–Haskins rehomed Kiya to a Grafton woman who seemed wonderful. (I believe this to be who the original report claimed to be people Haskins trusted. Also, I haven it read anything that stated when this occurred.)
–The Grafton woman seemed to be a good owner, and even sent updates on Kiya’s well-being. These updates ended in July, according to Haskins.
–Police have reported that the Grafton woman was contacted. She stated she gave the dog away, had no further information, and hung up.

All reports I have read indicate that Haskins did her due diligence. Sure, it’s inadvisable to rehome pets on Craigslist, but that’s something the rescue community has failed to educate the general public about. Haskins stated she thought it best to rehome the dog herself, rather than have Kiya crated at a shelter while looking for a new forever home. There is nothing wrong with that. Haskins offered to take Kiya back if the home did not work out, and actually did take the dog back once. This is admirable. This is a responsible pet owner.

If there must be a witch hunt, it should be focused on the Grafton woman, not Haskins. Though police report that she has been unhelpful, I am sure they have to keep many details of this case under wraps. I believe it is likely they continue to investigate the Grafton woman.

This post is long enough. I will most likely follow up with why I care about this case at a later date.