Life is good in general.

  • Work is good.
  • No love life to speak of but I have some awesome crushes and that’s all I can handle right now.
  • I’m catching up on Castle (Hi Nathan! I’ve missed you.)
  • I have great friends.
  • I’m excited for E-Fabulous who is starting her career change. So proud!

I’m looking forward to:

  • My trip to IL for cousin Jennifer’s wedding.
  • My trip to IL for the family reunion (wish me luck, I’m still working this one out).
  • The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner! (or Midnight Sun, whichever comes out first. LOL)
  • The Eclipse movie (leg hitch and tent scene here we come!)
  • The next Sookie Stackhouse book.
  • True Blood!
  • The next A Song of Ice and Fire book (please GRRM?!?)
  • Make It Monday (even those E-Fabulous and I had dinner last night, sorta, and will have dinner again tonight).

Confession Wednesday has moved to Make It Monday. E-Fabulous and I (we’re neighbors across the parking lot) have decided we’re making dinner together once a week. We’ve kept it up for a solid 5 weeks now. Mom, you’ll be happy to know I insist on having a vegetable once a week whether I need them or not.

Tonight we were going to make souvlaki but we couldn’t find lamb. We got some take and bake chicken from Fresh & Easy instead. The potatoes wouldn’t bake though so we ended up taking them out of the oven, cutting them up, and frying them. And then the chicken took twice as long to bake as it should have. I suspect my oven isn’t what it should be.

Wow, has it really been since Halloween? I just don’t have time to do anything anymore. But today is not about complaints, it’s about being thankful. This year, I’m thankful to be employed. Not just employed, but employed by a fantastic company. I’m thankful for the new friends I’ve made, my teammates. I’m having a lot of fun with them. I’m feeling alive again.

Don’t get me wrong. Life after divorce has been great, but there were certain areas that I shut off. I’d joke about being dead inside, but it was sorta true. I don’t want to live like that anymore. Thanks for reminding me I’m awesome, and that I deserve to live life.

As always, I’m thankful for family. I’m alone here in AZ, yet I know you’re all there for me. I love your emails, your texts, your participation in the family website, and that you ask Mom about me. I love you.

It’s been a fabulous week for my family. Yesterday we welcomed the arrival of Owen Ryker Garvey, son of my cousin Ben Garvey and his lovely wife, Jeanne. Today we officially welcome Fitz to the family as he marries another cousin of mine, Kelly Q. We have our ups and downs, but when we’re up, we’re really up. Congratulations to the Garveys, Haleys, and Andersons! I have much love for you.

I’ve been thinking about it for a long time I suppose. He knows I’ve thought about it on and off since the beginning. Lately I’ve been really unhappy in the relationship though. It’s not anything that he did or didn’t do; it had just lost something. Or maybe I’ve started needing something that our relationship just never had. I think that’s more likely, considering how we got together. Whatever it is, I’m following my gut on this. I wouldn’t have said anything for a while, wanting to be sure, but when it came up on Friday I found myself saying that I wanted to end the relationship. So Old Man Bobby and I have parted as dear friends, family even, in hopes that we can each find happiness. On to new beginnings for us both.

Old Man Bobby’s aunt passed away Friday after a bout with pancreatic cancer. We had been waiting for it. It was expected. It’s still always a sad thing, losing a loved one. My heart goes out to Old Man Bobby’s family. Say a prayer for them, send them love, think positive thoughts, whatever it is you do.

In the midst of all this, a dear friend of their family, Kris, is fighting her third bout with cancer, which started as breast cancer. Think lots and lots of positive thoughts for her please.

I am thinking a lot about family today. We have had a few health problems lately. We are all praying for test results to come back with happy news, and for speedy recoveries. Today we remember my Uncle Mark, one of the best men anyone ever knew. Not that we don’t think of him everyday, he is just that sort of man, but today is the 3rd anniversary of his passing. We all miss him dearly. I miss him dearly. I would love to see the look on his face today as his daughter graduates from college, not only with honors, but with a special award for excellence given to only one female and one male senior per year. How he would have loved that achievement. I will miss seeing him in the pictures that will be posted on our family website.

I had an interview today, set up through my temp agency. I think it went pretty well. They had me do a lot of assessments. The agency says I should know whether or not I get a second interview within the week. Wish me luck.

I would tell you the name of the company but at this stage of the game I think that would be premature. I think I can tell you that it’s a rather large, well-known, and respected printing company which is setting up a new customer service call center. They are in need of people like me, and I hope they see I am the person for the job.

PS Don’t forget to pray for my Mom.  🙂

My mother, whom I love dearly, had some tests run and it turns out they found some cancer in her colon. She’s already had colon cancer once, so this is a bit worrisome. The good news is that they believe they got it all, that it is non-invasive. Still, we’re accepting any and all positive thoughts and prayers. Please feel free to leave comments with your well wishes. She does read my blog from time to time.

Here is some advice from my mother herself, which I intend to follow just as soon as I get some insurance:

… having a colonoscopy routinely but you should also think about asking your physicians to add a CEA to your list of annual blood work. And please, please, please talk to your children. Anyone over 30 especially 40+ [with a family history of cancer] should have a colonoscopy routinely. If you have a history of polyps it should be every year otherwise it is believed every 3 years is acceptable.

I love you, Mom.

Sending hugs and positive thoughts,


Happy Easter to those of you celebrating this particular holiday. I admit it’s mostly just a special day for family to me, rather than a religious holiday, but it’s a special day nonetheless. If you don’t celebrate, do have a wonderful Sunday.

funny pictures of cats with captions